Monday, December 27, 2010


I was working on our emergency preparedness binder earlier this week when a friend asked what it was. I explained to him that it was a binder that I could grab if something were to happen (flood, fire, tornado, evacuation) and all of our important information, papers and copies of photos are contained in that binder. He said 'photos? That sounds like a waste of time and energy. I lived through it and don't need a photo to remind me. What could you possible want to remember so badly?'

I tried to explain that not only did this binder contain our important papers but it would one day, when complete, hold our legacy and the legacy of our families. As for photos, we want to remember. We want to remember family members that came before, C's niece & father, our grandparents, our childhoods. We want to remember, together. Someday we will add another chapter to our binder for our Birth mom and her family. When our binder is complete, we will know our legacy as will our child. Our child and all of our posterity to come will know of their heritage, their history and their legacy. Needless to say, my friend just didn't get it, even after my explanation.

Every life is a story like a thread the interweaves with myriads of others to form the tapestry of humanity.

Anyhow, I am almost done with the paperwork portion and have the past 5 years of photos on CD. Since I am going to be off for a bit longer, I am going to start organizing photos and moving them to CD.

I also need some help. I am trying to figure out how to copy our wedding video onto DVD. We have a VHS player and my computer can burn DVDs. Anyone have any ideas? It is an old video and there is only one copy so I am pretty nervous about taking it in to someone.


P.S. Rachel - Thanks for the tip on tying Nephi! Works like a charm and he stands like a gentleman. I am so glad breeding season is almost over and he will start acting like a goat again.

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Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1