Monday, October 11, 2010

Nephi and Portugal

It is once again breeding season and we have been contemplating logistics for this year. We typically spend 2 days traveling (one to take them and one to pick them up), 2 tanks of gas, $35 per doe and 2$ per doe per day boarding at the buck facility in Eastern Wyoming. Granted, he is a wonderful buck but the breeder has been in business for so long that her lines are very inbred and they are all over the area.

Our girls are from Southern Colorado lines and mixing them with Eastern Wyoming lines produces great kids. There are a few issues with this path. 1. Who will the kids be able to breed with? 2. How long can I keep paying ridiculous fees to breed each year? 3. How can I afford to buy one of her bucks - but if I do, I go back to question 1)?

What to do, what to do? I know, lets go to Eastern Nebraska to get a $600 buck at discount, throw in a $350 doeling at discount and save some money. We got both at a deep discount and did not spend over $300 for both! WOOHOO! We got to name both; check them out!

Meet our Buck:
Double Z Karim's Nephi

Meet our new doeling:
Double Z Miss Portugal

We are completely changing the breeding and lines available in Northern Colorado. We are mixing Southern Colorado lines with Eastern Nebraska lines. The kids are going to be fantastic! Check out our website for more information on these new additions, for breeding information and to reserve kids.

We will be offering limited breeding to Nephi this year and Portugal will remain dry until she matures a bit more. We are getting emails for reserving kids already! Here we go!

Post Script: For those wondering, Nephi is de-scented which means he doesn't smell terrible but he is still a buck! Bucks are nasty critters and they have terrible manners - but they are funny as heck!

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Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1